
Since the documentation says: "RESTORE - If the system crashes or RESIZE CONCURRENT encounters an error, delete the temporary copy of the resized file and restore the original file before any resize operation took place." I'd guess the RESTORE keyword is putting something somewhere where you don't have permissions.

Further documentation says:
- - - - - - - - - -
Recovering from a Concurrent Resize Error
If the concurrent resizing process encounters an error, or the system crashes during the resize operation, complete the following steps to restore the file:-
Resizes the file according to its actual size, thus correcting overflows.

1. Check and repair the physical integrity of the file, if necessary. For nonrecoverable files, use the guide utility to check if the file needs to be repaired. If so, use the fixfile command to repair the file. If the file is a recoverable file, restarting UniData after the system crash should automatically fix both the original file and the temporary copy of the file as it was being resized. 2. Execute the RESIZE CONCURRENT CONTINUE command against the file if you want the resize operation to continue to completion. Execute the RESIZE CONCURRENT RESTORE command against the file if you want to delete the temporary copy of the file and restore the original file before any resize operation took place. If you do not execute either of these options, the RESIZE CONCURRENT operation will fail and display an error message describing the reason for the failure.

At this release, the guide utility has been enhanced to display a message indicating that the file is currently being resized. The message includes the number of groups that have been resized:
- - - - - - - - - -

I wonder what, and where, that is?

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----- Original Message -----
*To:* U2 Users List <>
*Date:* 4/23/2013 3:35 PM
*Subject:* Re: [U2] Unidata RESIZE CONCURRENT
On 04/22/2013 09:49 PM, Jeffrey Butera wrote:
I'm attempting some experiments with RESIZE CONCURRENT on Unidata 7.3.3 (RedHat) but failing miserably. I didn't think there was any configuration I needed to enable before using CONCURRENT, perhaps I'm misunderstanding the error message:

H08.FACULTY.WL.SNAP is a synonym, real name is H08.DATA/DATA_F/H08.FACULTY.WL.SNAP. Resize Concurrent Continue/Restore failed because the RESIZE_CONCURRENT bit was not set on the file.

I determined that the problem is "RESTORE". If we eliminate that keyword, RESIZE CONCURRENT works.

H08.FACULTY.WL.SNAP is a synonym, real name is H08.DATA/DATA_F/H08.FACULTY.WL.SNAP. The temporary file for RESIZE is H08.DATA/DATA_F/H08.FACULTY.WL.SNAP.resize.
H08.FACULTY.WL.SNAP RESIZED from 3359 to 3593

I'm not yet sure of implications of not using RESTORE or CONTINUE, but I'm ok for now.

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