One thing I learned the hard way - if an applicant takes a scheduled phone interview while shopping at Walmart, don't hire that person! His or her attitude toward you and your company becomes evident.


On 10-08-2013 6:29 AM, Doug Chanco wrote:
Sorty kevin I misread your question and missed the technical qyestions aside 
part .......

My favorite non technical questions were:

Why should we hire you in 5 sentences or less

Explain to me a strength you bring and why you think its a strength

Whats a weakness you have and how do you plan to address it

Tell me about a typical day at work(current or previous job)

Why do you want this job

Describe to me your previous or current boss

Tell me 3 things you like to do for fun and why

Do you dislike working extra hours and why

Pretend your me (interviewer) give and answer 3 questions you would ask in 
helping you fill the position


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Doug Chanco <>
Date:10/08/2013  00:28  (GMT-05:00)
To: U2 Users List <>
Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions

Questions I have been asked (and my favorites)

Tell me a solution to get the last day of a given month (pick)

Now give me the same solution in another language

Whats an object and give me an example

Whats your favorite shell and why?

Whats a netmask and default gateway

Whats one tech you do not know but would like to learn and why?

Why use stored procedures?

What does oconv mcp do?

Favorite version of unix and why?

Cannot access server "x" (network) walk me through what steps  you would do to 
figure out the issue

What are some commands you use in the pick debugger

Favorite version of pick and why?

What are sone ways for non pick programs to communicate with a pick system
(Follow up)
Which one do you prefer and why?

I know sone of these are not pick related but they are my favorite questions 
asked me in various interviews and (in my humble opinion) the days of just a 
pick programmer are slowly going away companies (again IMHO) are looking for 
more than just knowing pick basic

Anyway here is my contribution feel free to use all/none or any combination in 
between and good luck in your hiring


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Kevin King <>
Date:10/07/2013  22:35  (GMT-05:00)
To: U2 Users List <>
Subject: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions

This is not specifically a job posting, but I do have ads up on Monster and
LinkedIn looking for talent.

At the risk of confessing too much, I have historically been far too easy
in the interview process.  As a result, I have had some less-than-excellent
hires and spent far too much time and money trying to rescue
underperforming and/or recalcitrant staff.  Therefore, I'm planning to be
much more discriminating this time around, and am building a series of
technical questions to help quickly identify those that have the right
skills, abilities, and attitude for our team compared to those who may not.

That being said, I have a question for the group:

Technical questions aside, what are the best interview questions you've
asked, been asked, or otherwise heard about that help differentiate between
the candidates worthy of additional consideration vs. those that are not?

Each company is different of course, but that aside I'm hoping to get some
ideas to cut to the heart of the matter as quickly and efficiently as
possible, both for the sake of the interviewer and the interviewee.  (My
technical interview is bordering on 200 questions and growing at an
alarming pace.) If there were a half dozen questions to open with that
could help set the stage for what may be to come, that could be very
beneficial for everyone in this mix.

Also, in an effort to keep the OT to a minimum, please don't ask me
questions about the positions here.  If you have questions, email me
directly or through LinkedIn.  I'd prefer to keep this topic on point of
your recommended interview questions.
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