I can answer this easily

> What single project or task would you consider the most significant > accomplishment in your career so far?
Building a Microsoft network in Australia from scratch and VPN'ing it into Midvale, Utah for access to the ERP Unidata database
> Can you give me a detailed overview of the accomplishment?
Plan the Microsoft network for 10 workstations including MS Exchange, MS office, Windows 8, Rocket Wintegrate Scope out international internet provider with stable 2 to 10 mb access to USA
Figure into the mix 220vac for all devices.
Lock down domain name for exchange server
Order hardware and software
Set a work area aside in the USA plant
Assemble the server MS Windows Server 2012
Program the router to an existing unused public ip address for testing and patches
Setup Domain and users on the server
Install MS Exchange 2013
Point local public ip address dns mx record to the new router and route to exchange
Setup workstations
Install MS Office
Install wintegrate
Temp build vpn tunnel from sub network to internal network and test access to Unidata database
Package up nice and neat and ship to Australia, this portion of project too one week
Fly to Australia and setup network
Unpack hardware and setup offices
Wire network, workstations, printers
Reprogramm router for new ip addresses
Repoint dns to new public ip addresses
Repoint Windows Server 2012 dns
Wait for DNS replication across the web to complete ( 24 hours)
Test exchange incomming and outgoing transports.
Login users
Test Outlook
Test connectivity across secure vpn to USA ERP Unidata database
test printing for USA Unidata to the Australia office printer
Train Users on network.
F) Go home

> Tell me about the company, your title, your position, your role, and
> the team involved.
IS Manager
Know it all
Determine IS stratagy
Build and maintain the network
Build better mouse traps

> What were the actual results achieved?
Aside from the planning, entire network was built and installed in two three weeks
All tasks were completed

> When did it take place and how long did the project take.
Last week
Two months in planning
three weeks to implement

> Why you were chosen?
Already built two other international networks in the last 18 years

> What were the 3-4 biggest challenges you faced and how did you deal
> with them?
Never install Windows Server 2012 or Exchange 2013 before
Never created a master domain from scratch, just administrated them.
Programming the Cisco 887 router for private internet acess for the workstations and secure vpn tunnel connection to the USA

> Where did you go the extra mile or take the initiative?
Learned and implemented Exchange 2013

> Walk me through the plan, how you managed to it, and if it was
> successful.
The plan was detailed above.
Completely successful, failure is not an option.

> Describe the environment and resources.
International Internet

> *
> Describe your manager's style and whether you liked it or not.
My manager is my CEO
I follow thru on all my projects

> Describe the technical skills needed to accomplish the objective and
> how they were used.
Cisco router configuration
Cisco secure vpn tunnel configuration
Windows server 2012 installation
Windows exchange 2013 installation
Windows domain controller setup
Windows domain login scripts
ip addressing conventions
dns setup

> Some of the biggest mistakes you made.
Corrupted the first install of Exchange, messed up all the right but made a backup bgefore I did it, saved the day. Corrupted the Microsoft exchange certificate, could not log into MS Exchange administration but fixed it through IIS Did not setup the outgoing mail connector proper, took a while to find my error.

> Aspects of the project you truly enjoyed.
The pressure to complete within my alloted time frame

> Aspects you didn't especially care about and how you handled them.
Getting Australia to give me a stable internet connection, bugged them a lot.
18hour flight to australia, slept

> How you managed and influenced other, with lots of examples.
Managed Internet providers
Managed hardware providers

Patience and knowledge of exactly what I need and conveying that to my suppliers

> How you changed and grew as a person.
Cann successfull add Microsoft Windows server 2012 and MS Exchange 2013 installation and configuration to my knowledge base

> What you would do differently if you could do it again.
Increase my installation window to two weeks at the remote site.

> What type of formal recognition did your receive?
Appreciation from my CEO
I completed another task
It's all fun and games


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin King" <ke...@precisonline.com>
To: "U2 Users List" <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions

Asking the list...I'd label that as "resourceful".  So yeah, that's a

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Woodward, Bob

Maybe it's a good thing you're not interviewing me, Kevin.  My immediate
answer would be "I don't know.  Let me check the documentation and get
back to you."  I've never had to do anything like that so it's not
something I'd know off the top of my head.  I'm sure there's probably
and OCONV format that would get me started but.

Oh!  I know!  I'd as this list!  <silly smile>  Does that count?

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:15 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions

David, I've used many of these questions in the past but where it fell
down was that it didn't give any real picture of technical ability. The
one question I've been using lately to assess technical thinking is "how
would you calculate the last Thursday in a month?" The answers have been
everywhere from accurate to sheer ridiculous. The unexpected takeaway
from this question is that it has helped to identify people who simply
want to answer quickly without thinking - not a good trait unless the
answer is right and to date that's happened a total of zero times - vs
people who think first and then give a reasoned response.

I've just found it too easy for people to stretch the truth when
explaining their technical ability, so I'm asking questions intended to
give some evidence.

On Saturday, December 14, 2013, David Sharp wrote:

> Here is something I have used:
> What single project
> or task would you consider the most significant accomplishment in your

> career so far?
> *
> Can you give me a detailed overview of the accomplishment?
> *
> Tell me about the company, your title, your position, your role, and
> the team involved.
> *
> What were the actual results achieved?
> *
> When did it take place and how long did the project take.
> *
> Why you were chosen?
> *
> What were the 3-4 biggest challenges you faced and how did you deal
> with them?
> *
> Where did you go the extra mile or take the initiative?
> *
> Walk me through the plan, how you managed to it, and if it was
> successful.
> *
> Describe the environment and resources.
> *
> Describe your manager's style and whether you liked it or not.
> *
> Describe the technical skills needed to accomplish the objective and
> how they were used.
> *
> Some of the biggest mistakes you made.
> *
> Aspects of the project you truly enjoyed.
> *
> Aspects you didn't especially care about and how you handled them.
> *
> How you managed and influenced other, with lots of examples.
> *
> How you changed and grew as a person.
> *
> What you would do differently if you could do it again.
> *
> What type of formal recognition did your receive?
> Regards,
> David Sharp
> > Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 12:27:18 -0800
> > From: i...@keyway.net <javascript:;>
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org <javascript:;>
> > Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions
> >
> > Please email me in regards to your ads. I am currently in between
> > contracts/assignments/projects and looking for my next assignment.
> > Multivalue languages I have been programming in:
> >
> > * CACHE (language: MV BASIC)
> > * INFORMATION (language: INFO/BASIC)
> > * jBASE (language: jBC, jBASE BASIC, jBASIC)
> > * MVON/ONWARE (language: ONWARE BASIC)
> > * OPENINSIGHT (language: BASIC+)
> > * OPENQM, QM (language: QMBASIC)
> > * PICK, Advanced PICK, D3 (language: PICK BASIC)
> > * Power95 (language: DATA/BASIC, DATABASIC, DATA BASIC)
> > * UNIDATA (language: UNIBASIC)
> > * UNIVISION (language: UVBASIC)
> > * WebSphere DataStage (language: DSBASIC, DataStage BASIC)
> >
> > Robert Norman, Multivalue Programmer/Analyst
> > (951) 541-1668
> >
> > On 10/7/2013 7:35 PM, Kevin King wrote:
> > > This is not specifically a job posting, but I do have ads up on
> Monster and
> > > LinkedIn looking for talent.
> > >
> > > At the risk of confessing too much, I have historically been far
> easy
> > > in the interview process.  As a result, I have had some
> less-than-excellent
> > > hires and spent far too much time and money trying to rescue
> > > underperforming and/or recalcitrant staff.  Therefore, I'm
planning to
> be
> > > much more discriminating this time around, and am building a
series of
> > > technical questions to help quickly identify those that have the
> > > skills, abilities, and attitude for our team compared to those who
> not.
> > >
> > > That being said, I have a question for the group:
> > >
> > > Technical questions aside, what are the best interview questions
> > > asked, been asked, or otherwise heard about that help
> between
> > > the candidates worthy of additional consideration vs. those that
> not?
> > >
> > > Each company is different of course, but that aside I'm hoping to
> some
> > > ideas to cut to the heart of the matter as quickly and efficiently
> > > possible, both for the sake of the interviewer and the
>  (My
> > > technical interview is bordering on 200 questions and growing at
> > > alarming pace.) If there were a half dozen questions to open with
> > > could help set the stage for what may be to come, that could be
> > > beneficial for everyone in this mix.
> > >
> > > Also, in an effort to keep the OT to a minimum, please don't ask
> > > questions about the positions here.  If you have questions, email
> > > directly or through LinkedIn.  I'd prefer to keep this topic on
> of
> > > your recommended interview questions.
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > U2-Users mailing list
> > > U2-Users@listserver.u2ug.org <javascript:;>
> > > http://listserver.u2ug.org/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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