On 17/12/2013 00:17, Wjhonson wrote:
What is the last Thursday of the current month.

Current Date minus Current Day of Month number plus 1 puts you on the first of 
the current month
Or you could just Oconv d2/ and replace the middle number with 01 with Iconv 

Actually, I think that'll screw up pretty spectacularly! OCONV(@TODAY, "D2") gives me "17/12/13". If I replace the middle number (or if Kevin replaced the middle number) we'd both end up somewhere in January! Why do you Yanks put the least significant number in the middle? That's crazy!

If you want the first of the month, the easiest way to do it is

FIRST = "01/":OCONV(@TODAY,"D2[M,Y]")

(if I've remembered my syntax correctly). Then to get that into internal format


You should NEVER assume that dates are in the format you expect, unless you are in control (which you aren't, here, seeing as you've messed up pretty spectacularly :-)


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