No, the "loosly typed" nature of MvBASIC is that you don't see this and can't control 
it.  You can't specify that a variable is numeric and have the system barf when you 
try to do A[1,3] on it.
   That's the curse and blessing of the environment.
   I was only correcting where you said that everything was treated as a string.  You 
accepted that file variables and arrays are different sorts of creatures.  So are 
numbers, its just that the system, in general, knows how to translate on-the-fly 
between numbers and numeric strings.

In a message dated 2/6/2004 8:08:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Does this opcode stuff come into play on the outside where 
> we write code.
> Please provide an example.
> Thanks.
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