You can't get at the DATUMs in which data values are stored.  However you can affect 
them, or use them to you advantage.  As one example, forcing a number that is 
currently stored as a character string to be a number will yield a small performance 
benefit when used to control a loop.  For example:
  CRT "Enter ending number" :
  INPUT EndNumber
  FOR Counter = 1 To EndNumber
    * do stuff
  NEXT Counter
would be marginally quicker (the gain proportional to the value and inversely to the 
CPU speed) if coded as:
  CRT "Enter ending number" :
  INPUT EndNumber
  EndNumber += 0  ; * change DATUM to INTEGER
  FOR Counter = 1 To EndNumber
    * do stuff
  NEXT Counter

Do a search for DATUM in the archives.  I'm sure either Dave Meeks or Glenn Herbert 
has posted a list.  There are about fourteen internally-used data "types" (or DATUMs) 
in UniVerse, including things like file variables and subroutine indirect-call 
variables.  At least fourteen is as many as I can remember.

> In a message dated 2/6/2004 8:08:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> writes:
> > Does this opcode stuff come into play on the outside where 
> > we write code.
> > Please provide an example.
> > Thanks.

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