Please refrain from quoting all of a message when replying to one or more points in it.

The general guideline of netiquette when replying to messages is that you should quote only about four lines of the *most recent* post for each point to which you are responding. If you are replying to several points, do not top-post. Quote four or five lines, add your point, quote some more, add your point, etc.

And quoting an entire thread is always inappropriate in a discussion list or newsgroup.

Your assistance is reducing the data smog is appreciated.


Jerry Banker wrote:

If it's not at the top it generally goes in the deleted folder. I haven't
got time to go searching through the text for an answer.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] The aforementioned and promised NAG about OVERQUOTING

Well, Ray has spoken, so I guess that makes it gospel. Top posting is "wrong-posting", and only newbies who don't know any better do it. Speak for yourself, Ray - I, and many others, would rather not have to scroll down in each post to see the new material. I want to see it at the top, and scroll down if I need to refresh my memory as to the context. I am not a newby - I've been in the computer business for 26 years, and on the internet about as long as there was one (BBSs before that - top posting was quite common then, too).

I do agree that the poster should trim out non-relevant material from prior
posts, though.

Charlie Noah


  Without interposting, you have no idea where the reply
fits into the thread.  If you are a reader that typically reads
through an entire thread, when it's essentially dead, and don't mind
the occasional reply that's out of place because somebody has their
clock out of sync, or the time zone set incorrectly, then that's fine
for you.  But top-posting still makes things more difficult for just
about everybody else.

The byte flow problem, is the one that directly affects Cliff and the
digests.  Unfortunately, 99.9999% of Top-Posters neglect to trim the
quoted message to the relevant material.  That wastes huge amounts of
There really are no valid reasons to top-post, but there are plenty
of valid reasons to inter-post and trim the quoted material.  That's
why it's been a flameable action on Usenet for over twenty years.
Top-posting has only become more common in recent years because OE
and a few other email/newsreader hybrids (that really don't do either
well) make it tough to reply correctly and newbies are showing up
everyday, not just in the first couple of weeks in September.
Insisting on top-posting and not trimming the quoted material,
especially when there's replies that have already been right-posted
(aka inter-posted), I hate to say it, is just plain rude and self
serving.  Please take a moment and read the material listed in the
two links previously provided.  If you missed them, here they are

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