> Why not ask the alternate question of why the SQL Server can't handle
the > backend?

Simple Reason... "Management Politics".

> No one is saying UV is a truly 'enterprise' class DB.  

WE AGREE 100% NOW! I was just trying to say the above.

Going MainStream and staying with BIG THREE is Better for the
future of the Company's Needs. BIG THREE has A LOT OF INVESTMENT
in R&D and they are constantly on TOP OF TECHNOLOGY!.

E.G. Is ASP.NET similar to Java J2EE? YES... as a matter of fact
ASP.NET Copied a lot of the CORE Techniques... but why is ASP.NET
just a little more better than Java J2EE? 
MS Had more money to PUMP into R&D and were able to REFINE some of
the Techniques...e.g. Core improvement in RUNTIME ENVIROMENT AND

I know you are one of the GURU's OF UV System, it nice to hear some
agreement on this argument.

Joe Eugene

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of David T. Meeks
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 11:56 AM
> To: U2 Users Discussion List
> Subject: RE: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing
> So, UV does everything on the BackEnd, but SQL Server does your data
> warehousing.
> And you question why UV can't support the DW?  Why not ask the
> question
> of why the SQL Server can't handle the backend?
> No one is saying UV is a truly 'enterprise' class DB.  It's not
> as
> such.  It's
> an extremely efficient, low-cost, high-performance, zero
administration DB
> primarily
> geared at being the backend (as you have now) for application usage.
> primarily used
> as an embedded database shipped as part of a solution package.  It is
> seldom sold as a
> stand-alone DB.
> Building actual "applications" that directly go at your Oracle/DB2's
> the
> world is
> a pain in the arse.  Administering said DBs is also a high-cost,
> cumbersome
> task as well.
> Highlighting that the couple of UV people on your staff not knowing
XML is
> somehow
> a weakness in the product is ludicrous.  My wife is an Oracle
> expert/DBA/etc...  she
> can barely spell XML.  Does this imply Oracle's XML support sucks?  Of
> course not.
> Again, you pick on UV, claiming you have to use DataStage to pull data
> of UV
> into SQL Server.
> Why then:
> a)  Doesn't SQL Server sufficiently handle your back-end?
> b)  Can't SQL Server directly access the data?
> c)  Is DataStage, the tool being used to do this (and handles Web
> Services,
> XML,
>          XPath, XSLT, etc...), built on top of UniVerse?
> Finally, don't fall into the mistake that performing well would mean
> would be
> in the top 3.
> Why?  Simple... marketing wins over technology almost all the
> time.  Informix was
> a great example.  They had a wonderfully performant VLDB technology.
> did very well in OLTP benchmarks.  Yet, they weren't a top 3 DB (being
> #4/#5,
> depending on the timeframe).
> The U2 products are great products.  They are not 'cutting edge', but
> are not
> way behind either.  Their target market is very different from the
> "BigThree", and
> many would argue they are much better at the job they are intended for
> than the
> Big Three.  They are NOT better at all things.   But, for low-cost,
> low-maintenance
> embedded data base support with high-performance, high-user
> support,
> it's hard to beat it.
> Dave
> At 11:27 AM 3/29/2004 -0500, you wrote:
> >We have UV doing everything on the BackEnd, we also have MSSQL Server
> >Support Data Warehousing... Why 2 Databases Systems?
> >Cause UV Cant support Data Warehousing?
> >Doesn't this eventually introduce Disparate Systems?
> >
> > > U2, for example, has support for Java connectivity, XML, and I
> > > they either have or are working on Web Services support
> >
> >Its funny you say the above, UV/PICK Guys in our Team didn't even
> >understand
> >the basics of XML.. leave alone XPath, XQuery etc. These Technologies
> >are NATIVELY Supported in ORACLE/DB2 Etc.
> >
> >e.g. We pull XML Reports from our Vendors Real Time. I have to parse
> >through the XML and give UV/PICK Guys a FLAT TEXT File... cause
> >UV Cannot handle the storage and Retrival of XML Data Using
> >Techniques.
> >
> >Yes, we use DataStage to pull data out of UV Into MSSQL SERVER... For
> >what?
> >Why cant UV handle of the DB Job?
> >
> >As for Performance...UV Does NOT Perform Well in a OLTP Environment,
> >IF UV did Perform Well...Today's Fortune 500 would depend on UV and
> >would have been in the TOP 3 OF DataBases.
> >
> >Joe Eugene
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> >On
> > > Behalf Of David T. Meeks
> > > Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 9:37 AM
> > > To: U2 Users Discussion List
> > > Subject: RE: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing
> > >
> > > While one could make the argument that Pick has not embraced
> > > technologies as rapidly as the 'Big Three', it HAS done so.
> > >
> > > U2, for example, has support for Java connectivity, XML, and I
> > > they
> > > either have or are working on Web Services support (I know, for
> >example,
> > > that
> > > the DSEngine in DataStage has support for Web Services).
> > >
> > > One could argue the need or purpose of supporting certain
> >technologies,
> > > and
> > > the level of support currently within the products, but to say
> >there
> > > is
> > > "little/no" support is a bit uninformed.
> > >
> > > The U2 products ARE supported in certain "Integration" software.
> > > wouldn't
> > > typically consider SAP/PeopleSoft "integration" software.  They
> > > Enterprise
> > > Software Suites, but not geared particularly at 'integration'.
> > >
> > > However, given that SAP and PeopleSoft OEM the DataStage product
> > > for both of their "integration" products (SAP's BW, PeopleSoft's
> > > JDEdwards stuff as well), and given DataStage works very well with
> >both U2
> > > products, this point is actually wrong.  People who have SAP or
> >PeopleSoft
> > > solutions CAN, very easily, integrate their U2 data to/from those
> > > environments.
> > >
> > > As to 'efficiency', one can measure that in a variety of different
> > > dimensions.
> > >  From a memory/disk space/footprint/administrative overhead
> >dimensions,
> > > the
> > > U2 database products are VERY efficient.
> > >
> > > Finally, as to being "slow", again this depends on the measurement
> > > criteria
> > > being used.  From the perspective of concurrent user access and
> > > performance
> > > of application style DB usage (largely input/output, multiple
> >concurrent
> > > users, etc..),
> > > the U2 products stand up very well to the mainstream guys.  For
> >support of
> > > VLDB,
> > > highly transactional query-based usage models, and the like, it
> >not.
> > >
> > > Trying to make the U2 products into what they are not is wrong.
> >are
> > > not the
> > > panacea for every database requirement.  However, for certain
> >problems,
> > > especially
> > > those for which it was designed (embedded database for application
> > > development),
> > > it is very efficient.
> > >
> > > Dave
> > >
> > > At 10:24 PM 3/28/2004 -0500, you wrote:
> > > >PICK is LEGACY Technology and does NOT Support alot of advanced
> > > >level computing we have today. I belive PICK is Similiar to
> >DB2
> > > >that used ISAM type of DataBases Access. Even IBM has moved DB2
> >UDB)
> > > >to a completly relational architecture.
> > > >
> > > >I belive some of the below are good reasons to Migrate to
> > > >MainStream (Top 3 - DB2/Oracle/MSSQL etc) Databases.
> > > >
> > > >1. UV has Little/NO support for Emerging
> >Technologies(XML/XQuery/XSLT/WML
> > > etc)
> > > >2. UV is Not supported in Most Integration Enterprise Software
> > > >(SAP/PeopleSoft)
> > > >3. UV is Not efficient compared to highly evolved
> >databases(DB2/Oracle)
> > > >4. UV Folks seem to use PICK, which is Not Compatible with many
> > > >    of the Current Advanced Technologies and Techniques.
> > > >5. UV is very SLOW, TOO Procedural and Not the right tool for
> > > >     an OLTP Environment.
> > > >
> > > >It would be nice if IBM provided a Package to convert all UV
Stuff to
> > > >IBM DB2 and perhaps provide some kinda code converter to convert
> > > >all pick stuff to DB2 Stored Procs or Java Native Compiled
> >Procedures.
> > > >I belive this would be ideal and would help corportations
> > > >systems easily.
> > > >
> > > >Joe Eugene
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >________________________________
> > > >
> > > >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Phil Walker
> > > >Sent: Sun 3/28/2004 7:59 PM
> > > >To: U2 Users Discussion List
> > > >Subject: RE: The lists are closing
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >David,
> > > >
> > > >As the list is closing this is probably not off topic - so I will
> > > comment.
> > > >
> > > >I believe PICK has been around since the mid to late 1960's,
> > > Oracle
> > > >and the SQL relation model has been around only since the mid to
> > > 1970's
> > > >early 1980's if you are talking about Oracle etc.
> > > >
> > > >I may be wrong.
> > > >
> > > >Phil Walker
> > > >+64 21 336294
> > > >infocusp limited
> > > >\\ PO Box 77032, Auckland New Zealand \ www.infocusp.co.nz
> > > >DISCLAIMER:  This electronic message together with any
attachments is
> > > >confidential.  If you are not the intended recipient, do not
> > > disclose
> > > >or use the contents in any way. Please also advise us by return
> >e-mail
> > > that
> > > >you have received the message and then please destroy. infocusp
> >limited
> > > is
> > > >not responsible for any changes made to this message and / or any
> > > >attachments after sending by infocusp limited. We use virus
> > > >software but exclude all liability for viruses or anything
similar in
> > > this
> > > >email or any attachment
> > > >
> > > >-----Original Message-----
> > > >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >Behalf Of Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
> > > >Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 12:36 PM
> > > >To: U2 Users Discussion List
> > > >Subject: RE: The lists are closing
> > > >
> > > >Best of luck Jeff, however I will point out the obvious, what is
> > > >definition of modern? I would have thought the good old
> > > >databases" have been around since before pick anyway? 8-)
> > > >
> > > >Regards
> > > >
> > > >David Logan
> > > >Database Administrator
> > > >HP Managed Services
> > > >139 Frome Street,
> > > >Adelaide 5000
> > > >Australia
> > > >
> > > >+61 8 8408 4273
> > > >+61 417 268 665
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >-----Original Message-----
> > > >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >On Behalf Of Jeff Ritchie
> > > >Sent: Monday, 29 March 2004 8:03 AM
> > > >To: U2 Users Discussion List
> > > >Subject: RE: The lists are closing
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Thanks for the memories Cliff :)
> > > >
> > > >Sorry to hear the lists are closing, but what the heck time and
> > > >work committments etc.
> > > >
> > > >As some one who is shortly to be ex mv, and moving into the more
> >modern
> > > >technologies l will decline the offer to join, but wish the site
> >the
> > > >best.
> > > >
> > > >Cheers,
> > > >Jeff
> > > >
> > > >-----Original Message-----
> > > >From: Moderator [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >Sent: Saturday, 27 March 2004 7:14 PM
> > > >To: U2 Users Discussion List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >Subject: The lists are closing
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Dear Friends:
> > > >
> > > >After 10+ years of either hosting or supporting the info-prime,
> > > >info-unidata, info-vmark, info-informix, and u2-users etc lists,
> >have
> > > >decided to shut down the list server.
> > > >
> > > >u2-users and u2-community will cease to exist as of 1 April 2004.
> >is
> > > >
> > > >officially supporting the efforts of the new U2UG.org group.
(Yes. I
> >am
> > > >a member of the establishing Board of that group. So this is not
> > > >"coup" or Sour Grapes!) If you check out the forums that have
> >set
> > > >up, I think you will will see that they cover everything anyone
> > > >asked for over the years in this group.
> > > >
> > > >I *really* want to encourage ALL of you to come over the the
> > > >www.u2ug.org site and support this effort. This is *exactly* what
> >many
> > > >of you on this list have wanted over the years. If Not Now, When?
> > > >
> > > >Almost ten years on my Watch. How many years before that on Mike
> > > >O'Rear's Watch? In the Net World, this has been a Hell of a good
> >(I
> > > >
> > > >just couldn't resist tripping the Net Nanny filters one last time
> ><very
> > > >evil grin>)
> > > >
> > > >I'll see all of you on the other media, ok?
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >
> > > >Regards,
> > > >
> > > >Clif
> > > >
> > > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > >W. Clifton Oliver, CCP
> > > >Tel: +1 619 460 5678    Web: www.oliver.com
> > > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >u2-users mailing list
> > > >http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> > > >--
> > > >u2-users mailing list
> > > >http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> > > >--
> > > >u2-users mailing list
> > > >http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >u2-users mailing list
> > > >http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >u2-users mailing list
> > > >http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> > >
> > >
> > > David T. Meeks                     || "All my life I'm taken by
> >surprise
> > > Architect, Technology Office       || I'm someone's waste of time
> > > Ascential Software                 ||  Now I walk a balanced line
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||  and step into tomorrow" -
> > >
> > > --
> > > u2-users mailing list
> > > http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> >
> >
> >--
> >u2-users mailing list
> >http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
> David T. Meeks                     || "All my life I'm taken by
> Architect, Technology Office       || I'm someone's waste of time
> Ascential Software                 ||  Now I walk a balanced line
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||  and step into tomorrow" - IQ
> --
> u2-users mailing list
> http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users

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