
You must have more time on your hands than I but I will try to reply to you
before this list terminates.

This list has helped me and I'm sure many others overcome our ignorance or
lack of experience etc. When genuine problems are encountered we usually go
through our support channels and they get fixed (usually). In fact only the
other day a small issue was confirmed (in my mind) as an introduced bug and
I have since reported it to IBM with their response being "acknowledged" and
"will be in the next release" etc.

Now, one of my pet topics is typing!

You are partly correct when you say UV treats all data as strings. However,
if the UV programmer is careful he/she can get it to do maths processing.
Variables within UVBasic are string unless the result of an expression is
numeric whereby it becomes numeric. If it needs to be treated as string UV
will automatically convert it back to string. Now this makes programming
much easier and if the programmer is careful not to treat it as a string
he/she can perform many mathematical operations on it without it becoming a
string again.

Now this brings me to the next point when referring to typing.

UV stores numeric data such as dates, time and numbers as a string value
with no decimal point etc. quite deliberately. This technique makes
selection or searches on the file much more efficient than 'mainstream'
searches as they must use the numeric capabilities of the processor to carry
out the necessary comparisons whereby UV simply does string comparisons.

Now at this point I must draw back a little as I have too many comments to

The procedural code you provide is crude to say the least and yes there are
many tools that allow you to use more 'business rules' and so forth.

Finally, in Australia where we generally are considered to be minor players
there is an UV site with 2000 plus concurrent users on a wide area network
that processes 3-4 million transactions per day 7x24 and has to date been
first to bring new technologies to the market before any 'mainstream'
products. Poof is in the eating I'm afraid.


Trevor Ockenden

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U2 Users Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

> Trevor,
> I am a member of serveral other Technical Forms. When i have found
> with any software, have brought it up on several occasions. A few of these
> issues
> were acknowledged by the Software Vendor and later architectural changes
> were made to rectify the issue.
> On this Forum, i have rarely heard anybody talk about Problems OF UV...
> Perhaps they are too big Loyalists of UV to approve of the Problem....
> Do you know what this leads to...the Vendor is never going to improve the
> software,
> unless the Clients asks for more..
> Do you think VB.NET will Perform better than C#.NET? C# is a strongly
> language, just like java...this helps it Peform and scale better.
> Our UV Developers tell me, everything in UV is treated as Strings..
> Do you think MATH Functions will Perform better in UV than a DataBase that
> supports DataTypes?
> A String can be any Possible Combinations, so the the underlying
> Language/Compiler takes
> more time to achive the same results. Leave alone MATH... Try some BIG
> Loops.
> Another Big Problem..Unicode on any MainStream Database is a very easy
> to do..
> No effort required. We were trying to get Unicode into UV For about 4
> Months. We failed
> and finally had IBM Consultants come in to help.. Even they couldnt get it
> done.
> Finally, we decided to store all Unicode in MS-SQL Server until IBM gets
> things resolved.
> Do you think this is a good situation?
> Yes, MainStream DataBases are Complex because they do ALOT of STUFF.
> I have written applications that were entirely Data Logic Driven(Business
> Logic,
> Rules Logic, Data Intergrity Logic etc). There applications were highly
> scalable
> and responded in LESS 300 MILLISECONDS PER REQUEST.
> On the contrary... The UV Programs i have come across treat UV as a Flat
> File,
> Data Dump Mechanism. Then the UV Developer uses PICK/BASIC to Read the
> and ALL the Logic is Embeded within these PICK/BASIC Programs. So you are
> taking
> the Data out of its Container and doing a TON of Data Interpreting...
> E.G. Lets say you have to Process Order Taxes Based on Country Code and
> State Code.
> Our UV Developers write a PICK/BASIC Program like
> if(countryCode == 'USA' & stateCode == 'NY')
> read some file with data...
> else if (countryCode == 'USA" & stateCode=='SC')
> read some file and do this...
> So for every Country and State.... you are goona do the above..
> Why NOT just relate the data between the combinations within the DB
> with Data Relations...and just leave the data where it belongs...
> Hell alot of LESS Code.. right?
> You can clearly see where Procedural Technique is Highly In-Efficient.
> Thanks,
> Joe Eugene
> >-----Original Message-----
> >Behalf Of Trevor Ockenden
> >Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 9:55 PM
> >To: U2 Users Discussion List
> >Subject: Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing
> >
> >
> >Joe
> >
> >One final point. You find it hard to believe people on this LIST get so
> >defensive.
> >
> >May I suggest that if we were to dive into a DB2 or SQLServer LIST (if
> >exist) and put them down I dare say we would get some pretty
> >abusive remarks
> >thrown at us too.
> >
> >Only to be expected
> >
> >Trevor Ockenden
> >OSP
> >
> >
> >
> >---
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> >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> >Version: 6.0.642 / Virus Database: 410 - Release Date: 24/03/2004
> >
> >--
> >u2-users mailing list
> >
> -- 
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