All I can add is that when I went to London and to Sydney, I wasn't a stranger - I was "I know you from the U2 list, right?" and I had friends in both countries. I'm doing business in South Africa, partially because of this list. The funny thing is, for every person I've helped, I'm sure I can think of ten who've helped me. Where else can you be popular and humble at the same time?

         Charles "What a Ride" Barouch

Mark Johnson wrote:

I agree that this list will be sorely missed. It has a genuine technical
value as well as a human value for some of the soft topics that floated
around. Plus, it helped identify some quite knowledgeable people that I hope
still contribute later.

I've gotten some UV/UD and even D3 and AP-Pro and other native advice from
this list. Even the VAR for one of my clients frequents this list with
questions and answers.

Anyway, thanks to Clif and everyone for all their help over the years. See
you on the other side.

Mark Johnson

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