But it is far less "immediate". I sometimes have conversations with
people stateside. I'll find an email when I get to work at 8am BST
(British Summer Time, not Bering Straights Time :-). I'll respond.

Then the person it was aimed at will get to work at, say, 9am New York
Time, respond, and we bounce ideas around for an hour or so before I go

A forum relies on me (a) noticing their message at 8am my time - and
forum scanning puts me off - I miss loads. Then (b) they've got to
notice early morning their time that I responded, and (c) I've got to
catch them at it!

That just won't happen, in the normal course of events. One of the
reasons I've abandoned many fora is that I keep coming across plenty of
conversations that happened while I was away, but could easily have
contributed to. And I get p*ssed off that my (I fool myself they are
relevant) comments get ignored because the subject has now gone stale.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Geoffrey Mitchell
Sent: 21 April 2004 00:10
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: Re: We need a web based Forum!

Why is that an argument?  A "forum" is not the same as a chatroom.  It
is just as persistent as email.

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 16:38, Kate Stanton wrote:

> >From New Zealand, the main argument against a forum is that we sleep
> you work and vice versa.  It is 9:30am here now, and 7:30am in Sydney
> expect to hear similar story from Australians in about 2 hours.


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