Dawn M. Wolthuis wrote:
Java Web Start works reasonably well, and I have used it.  But I sure don't
see how you are "locked in" to Sun by using it.  The Java libraries will be
perpetuated with or without Sun.  For example, IBM develops with Java, and
I'm certain they don't think they are locked into Sun.

"Locked into Microsoft" implies dollars (forever) while "locked into Java"
doesn't feel like as much of a prison at all.  Agree?  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

Take and give some delight today.

Only if Sun makes Java so it has special "enhancements" that are solely available on Solaris, a-la J++.

David Beahm
"In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows or Gates?"
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