Yes, I agree.
But .NET is also an "open" specification, the .NET file format and the jvm are ecma "standardized".
And there is already an open .net vm : mono.
So using .net does not locked more into microsoft than using sun lock you into sun.
And the .NET jvm is free of charge, so no more dollars to microsoft. And it is installed with every windows update, so every windows user has already a "good environment" for .NET. More easy for us than installing java vm.

And the last events show us that sun does not want to open Java. So if sun dies, nobody can continue developping java.

It was only a kind of joke (why I used a smiley ;-), I don't want to start a war about sun/java versus Microsoft/.NET especially with the last agreement between sun and ms ;-)
Just use your prefered tool, I'll be ever productive than with a world-standard that you hate.


Dawn M. Wolthuis wrote:

Java Web Start works reasonably well, and I have used it.  But I sure don't
see how you are "locked in" to Sun by using it.  The Java libraries will be
perpetuated with or without Sun.  For example, IBM develops with Java, and
I'm certain they don't think they are locked into Sun.

"Locked into Microsoft" implies dollars (forever) while "locked into Java"
doesn't feel like as much of a prison at all.  Agree?  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

Take and give some delight today.

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christophe Marchal Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:03 AM To: U2 Users Discussion List Subject: Re: GUI as nice as character-based

Well, you have the java choice ;-)
Java and javawebstart do the same thing as explain by James.

But you'll still locked into Sun (instead of microsoft) ;-)


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