yes - we dealt with this a few years ago - several radios were talking to an 
old server the company we purchased ran.  that subnet was no longer even valid 
on our network.  i remember googling and finding this solution (referenced 
below) to resolve
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ridgetop Networks 
  To: Ubiquiti Users Group 
  Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 2:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] Radios Trying To Contact Decommissioned AC1 Server

  You need to SSH into the radios that are sending the SYN packets, and use 
mca-provision-list and mca-provision-rm to find and remove the entries for the 
old AC1 server.

  On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Tim Densmore <> 

    Hi Folks,

    I'm seeing a strange widespread issue on my network so I thought I'd run
    it by the group.  We had an AC1 server that was decommissioned several
    months ago when we moved to AC2.  AC2 is up and working fine in a
    totally different subnet in a totally different physical location - no
    issue with that.  However, we have multiple (a couple hundred?) radios
    on 5.6.x and even 6.0 that are periodically sending syn packets to TCP
    port 9080 on the old server's IP address.  I've grepped the config files
    on a few of these radios and can't find anything referencing the IP or
    host name of the old server.  This behavior persists through reboots and
    firmware upgrades.

    So far, looking at packet captures, I haven't been able to see any
    pattern that would indicate that these syn packets are in response to
    inbound traffic, but I could be missing something obvious since there's
    quite a bit of customer traffic to sift through and aside from a
    source/dest IP pair I'm not sure what to look for.

    Anyone ever seen a similar issue or know of a phone-home setting I'm


    Tim Densmore

    Ubnt_users mailing list


  Andrew Kaiser

  Ridgetop Networks, LLC


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