In AC1, weren't you able to script a task to execute on the devices? I
don't see where you can do that in AC2.

On Fri, January 6, 2017 4:04 pm, CBB - Jay Fuller wrote:

> yes - we dealt with this a few years ago - several radios were talking to
> an old server the company we purchased ran.  that subnet was no longer
> even valid on our network.  i remember googling and finding this solution
> (referenced below) to resolve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ridgetop Networks
> To: Ubiquiti Users Group
> Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 2:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] Radios Trying To Contact Decommissioned AC1
> Server
> You need to SSH into the radios that are sending the SYN packets, and use
> mca-provision-list and mca-provision-rm to find and remove the entries
> for the old AC1 server.
> On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Tim Densmore
> <> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm seeing a strange widespread issue on my network so I thought I'd run
> it by the group.  We had an AC1 server that was decommissioned several
> months ago when we moved to AC2.  AC2 is up and working fine in a totally
> different subnet in a totally different physical location - no issue with
> that.  However, we have multiple (a couple hundred?) radios on 5.6.x and
> even 6.0 that are periodically sending syn packets to TCP port 9080 on the
> old server's IP address.  I've grepped the config files on a few of these
> radios and can't find anything referencing the IP or host name of the old
> server.  This behavior persists through reboots and firmware upgrades.
> So far, looking at packet captures, I haven't been able to see any
> pattern that would indicate that these syn packets are in response to
> inbound traffic, but I could be missing something obvious since there's
> quite a bit of customer traffic to sift through and aside from a
> source/dest IP pair I'm not sure what to look for.
> Anyone ever seen a similar issue or know of a phone-home setting I'm
> missing?
> Thanks,
> Tim Densmore
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> --
> Andrew Kaiser
> Ridgetop Networks, LLC
> 417-543-5513
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