Hi Storm
Well said, and I agree. I'd be willing to donate some though I'm not
rich, in addition to working on the code when I can.
Btw, where reformatting is concerned, I just make /home its own
partition. Then I can reformat all I want without touching my data. :D

On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 11:42 -0500, Storm Dragon wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought time and code donations would be good enough too, but look
> what happened to Sun. Worse yet, look what it got replaced with and
> the havoc it has caused. I can't donate much to the cause, maybe $5 or
> $10 a month, but something has to be done. We can't take the chance
> that something this terrible could happen in other companies too. In
> fact, I would start a whole donation to open source software awareness
> project, if only there were a place to make sure that at least some of
> it got funneled in to accessibility specifically. I think there should
> be two poptions, maybe set up through paypal. The first would be a
> one-time donation, you could enter an amount and make a payment. the
> second would be a recurring payment. I am not sure if the paypal code
> allows for picking your own amount in that situation, so there may be
> a need to make 4 or 5 buttons, $5, $10, $25, or $50 per month. Maybe
> have a list box on the form that allows you to specify what the money
> should be used for, accessibility, language translation, general use,
> etc.
> I think that this would make it easier for Canonical to add more
> people to the accessibility team, or indeed, let the one person they
> have work on it full time. I know that $5 a month isn't much when it's
> just 1 person, but if 100 did it, well $500 a month can make a bit of
> a difference.
> Accessible distros are great in some ways, they solve a lot of
> problems for people, especially newbies who want and expect things to
> just work. The problem I have with them, is that when Linux gains
> enough popularity that it is installed on public computers, like at
> the library say, it's probably not going to be the accessible distro.
> So, I prefer to try making the main stream distros as accessible out
> of the box as they can be. This is of course thinking in the long
> term. But, it will get here eventually. So, that, combined with a
> growing dislike of reformatting is why I haven't switched to one of
> the Vinux distros. Well, it is mostly the dislike of reformatting, I
> have a lot of stuff on this computer lol.
> I will keep what code I can do coming and contribute in any other way
> that I can. But, maybe the powers that be will read this and set up a
> good way to donate to the cause financially too.
> Thanks
> Storm
> -- 
> Follow me on Twitter:
> http://www.twitter.com/stormdragon2976
> My blog, Thoughts of a Dragon:
> http://www.stormdragon.us/
> What color dragon are you?
> http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/new/alustriel07/what-color-dragon-would-you-be/
> On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 11:16 -0500, Bill Cox wrote:
> > Hi, Storm.  Personally, I think you should save your money for beer,
> > and continue contributing as you have - with your time.
> > 
> > What we really need is at least another full time person at
> > Canonical working full-time on accessibility, and of course, I vote
> > for Willie.  Short of that, perhaps we can do a better job
> > organizing the community to focus on work that needs to get done.
> > My own feeling is that we should work in an accessibility sand-box,
> > which feeds into Ubuntu and the other distros.  I think we can do
> > that with Vinux based on Ubuntu.
> > 
> > Bill
> > 
> > On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Storm Dragon
> > <stormdragon2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >         Hi,
> >         Is there a site, or some way to donate to Ubuntu in such a
> >         way that the donated funds will go towards accessibility
> >         specifically? I would like to be able to donate to projects
> >         like Orca and speech-dispatcher, but as far as I know, right
> >         now that would meen donating to Oracle. This, I will never
> >         do, not even if hell does freeze over. So, the next best
> >         thing would be to donate to the distro specifically, but I
> >         would like to know that my donations are supporting the
> >         programs that make the distro accessible to me.
> >         thanks
> >         Storm
> >         
> >         -- 
> >         Follow me on Twitter:
> >         http://www.twitter.com/stormdragon2976
> >         My blog, Thoughts of a Dragon:
> >         http://www.stormdragon.us/
> >         What color dragon are you?
> >         
> > http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/new/alustriel07/what-color-dragon-would-you-be/
> >         
> >         
> >         
> >         
> >         
> >         --
> >         Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
> >         Ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com
> >         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-accessibility
> >         
> > 

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