The possibilities are endless but to give us a bit of a clue I think it
is a pulseaudio issue that is fixed by using the experimental packages
found in Neils ppa.

I just added the ppa and updated the software from it, I was not paying
that much attention but i think that pulse is more than likely the
candidate here as wine was not touched in the update, I did check that
much at least.

I have got enough ram allocated to it about 512 (which is not a lot but
just running these apss does not kill the machine off) I think and one
of my dual core processors and it copes okay. A little slow. It very
weirdly always seems to be the second or third word that is totally

I tested it with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 out of 10 times it skipped the two and 1 in 10 times skipped the three
but seems to chop off the beginning of the words around that time with a
slight popping sound that is all too familiar with pulse.

I am still testing but there is already a solution to the problem
lurking in the ppa, will see if I can catch neil.  

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