On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Luke Yelavich <them...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> You could consider piping the audio to a file and playing it in the native 
> linux environment, but what would be better is if opensapi could use 
> speech-dispatcher's audio output routines. I am not sure what language 
> opensapi is written in, but if its c, then you just need to link against 
> libspdaudio somehow, however header files for doing so are not provided in 
> the speech-dispatcher packages, only the source. This is something I intend 
> to address.

Actually, I am hoping to write a speech-dispatcher back-end module for
opensapi.  That hopefully would allow the opensapi voices to show up
in Orca.  However, I probably can't get to this for a few months.


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