I am not meaning to hijack this thread, but I just want to thank you, Kyle, for sharing about Saylor; I have not heard about this mine of educational materials. I cannot afford to go back to school right now due to my current circumstances, but I want to continue learning. This looks like a great opportunity.

Thanks again!

On 11/01/2013 07:36 PM, Kyle wrote:
I'm becoming a big fan of The Saylor Foundation
I like their philosophy as well as most of the licensing they've been
able to use for their course materials. I just wish they would offer
additional formats other than PDF for their reading materials. The first
text I read had no issues, but I can't seem to get through the
Introduction to Software History, which is required reading, but somehow
gets jumbled up by the second or third page during conversion. I was
able to read the HTML version of the same document, but the PDF version
says it's modified from the original, but I'm not sure how it's
modified. Both Evince and Firefox are jumbling it a bit, as are
pdftotext and pdftohtml. I really do like the concept though, and hope
either their text or our reading tools will improve soon.

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