Hi Doug,
I have the same experiences.
Infact me and my wife got together due to Free software.
I have all my students exclusively use GNU/Linux for all their programming and personal work, they have no problems with it. There are a few states in our country which implement free software as a policy. I will not say that the picture is absolutely rosy, but more and more people with whom I come in daily contact are using the free and open source operating system for every day work now. a few years back, 5 odd years to be presise, hearing some one say "I use linux " was a surprise and a matter of great skillset as it seemd to many people.
But now every other person uses it or at least knows it.
This is what I have been through, I have not used proprietary softwaer or OS since 2005 and I have no regrets at all..
Happy hacking.
On 11/04/2013 07:16 AM, Doug Smith wrote:
Good going, Kyle.  I want to work as well.  However, come here and try to find 
some kind of work, even if it's being paid to sneeze into the wind.
The person who put on here that we have to put up with a lot of prejudice and 
rejection.  Short of taking control of the world, I see no reasonable
solution to this in the near future.  The only thing we can do is work when we 

I have used linux exclusively since the mid to late 1990's.  I have done such 
things as offered to get the systems going again in local businesses
when they fail, but they had rather lock the doors and tell the customers that 
the computer has failed and the managers not to let new people in.
That is a class A susser when someone right there in the store could help even 
if screens had to be read.

I have worked on people's computers for some time.  I have friends in the next 
town for whom I have done computer work and they have learned to use a
computer with linux on it and have had no real trouble with it.

Here at the McCune Center, where I live, I have helped several residents with 
computer problems.  I just replaced the software on the machines with
linux and all is well.  I have even helped people get things going on systems I 
have never seen before over the phone.

You are right.  I know that it takes a while to get up to speed on some of this 
new tech that you have never programmed for.  That's fine.  I'm
working on that one and it is not as complex as it seems.  It's time consuming 
with all the other things I have to do but I can do it.

Now, on the subject of learning new computer systems.  I have taught my 
girlfriend, the other friends I referred to above and some of the residents
here to work with linux systems and they like it.  They don't have any kind of 
real problems that are too difficult to fix.

I could not have done that if I sound rude, condescending or mean.  I hope this 
message doesn't come across like that.  If so, I apologize in advance.
This is just a statement of fact, not a flame.

Now, I have not used proprietary operating systems or screen access tech since 
the days of the Apple // family of systems on which I first learned to
do computing of any kind.  I have used linux since the mid to late 1990's and I 
have never looked back.  I have never used windows nor mac-osx.  I
also find that whatever I need to do on a computer is easily doable on linux.

I do not mean to brag.  I have nothing to prove and I have nobody to prove it 
to.  This is, as previously stated, just a statement of truth.

Yours truly:

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