I got a 1TB drive and I plan on replacing the small drive on my NUC PPYH.
On that computer, I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but the audio went out on that, 
some might remember my efforts, so I'm planning on reinstalling Ubuntu when I 
am done installing other operating systems.
So what I did earlier this year was to install a new copy of Windows 7.  Then I 
upgraded to Windows 10 and did not like it.
But knowing that I will eventually have to use it for Windows, I used Ubuntu to 
copy that partition on an SD card.
Then I reinstalled Windows 7, and that with the Ubuntu is what is there now.

So on this new drive, with my HD cable, I would like to first copy the windows 
7 that is running now to the new drive and I'm wondering if it would be best to 
use DD for this?
I think this action will make that large drive the same size as the partition 
that Windows 7 is on, so I am wondering if Ubuntu will see the remainder as 
free space and allow me to make more partitions?
Or are there better suggestions for all this?
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