I did a mockup. No colors or photos yet. Here it is:
The white text are explanations, the black text should come in the
wallpaper (don't really think it's a good idea, but it's already
Oh, about the 'isotype' thing, that's because in design school we were
taught 'logotipo' (logotype in spanish) was the "text" part (like the
ubuntu title text), and 'isotipo' (that I tought was 'isotype') was
the graphical part (like the ubuntu three-people device). It's just a
word to make the difference, I think.
Thanks for answering, Paul :D

2005/11/21, Paul d'Aoust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> that sounds nifty. I was eve thinking that your idea would be good as *the* 
> default desktop, but then we have some weird codenames, so maybe it'd be a 
> good idea to stay away from warthogs and drakes as a first impression ^_^ A 
> stylised vector silhouette would look pretty classy, in my opinion.
> I also like Nikolai's ideas; it'd be interesting to give it a more vector 
> streamlined look and work it into some background. I never thought of giving 
> a human body to a duck; I was envisioning a creature of Donald Duck-like 
> stature.
> Really, we should have a whole pile of wallpaper that's discoverable, instead 
> of having the newbie user accidentally stumble across /usr/share/backgrounds 
> after three years of using Ubuntu. I think this could be accomplished by 
> creating a default .gnome2/backgrounds.html with a bunch of images from 
> /usr/share/backgrounds, and placing it in the /etc/skel directory, so it 
> would be copied over to each new user's home directory.
> P.S. YetZero, 'isotype' is used exclusively in biology in English, but it's a 
> sweet word. my guess is that it means something like 'symbolic 
> representation'?
-Luis Santander

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