On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 16:40 +0100, Who wrote:
Perhaps we need to clarify what we mean by Internal and Exernal:
from Mark's original email:

> - two or three "external" themes (from Gnome-Look, for example)
> - two or three "internal" themes (from this team)

>From which I took 'external' to be themes from somewhere other than
this team, and 'internal' to be themes the team had compiled (so on
the wiki).

Thus, whether a theme is 'internal' or 'external' won't really affect
which package it ends up in, or how we vote (unless we are a loyal
bunch :P)

However, the Wiki days different - what does everyone else take these to mean?
-internal are to replace and clean out the old gnome defaults, except Clearlooks
-external are any theme, whether ubuntu-arteam or elsewhere, that will be in an 'extras' package.

Mark, correct me if I have that wrong, because that is what I put on the wiki.

So it is obvious that is would matter how we vote but Mark doesn't want to make the voting that complicated, or something. Then again, only three have been proposed for external so it really 'doesn't' matter. More people would have to be willing that there theme was not installed by default. Supprise, supprise! :D
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