On 5/15/06, Guilherme Salgado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:30:05AM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
>    Who wrote:
>        What next? I couldn't see how to make a poll on Launchpad...
>        Who
>        If you go there, NOT logged in, it states..
>         "log in as Admin and set up a poll" (or similar)

Polls can be created only by team admins. In case you're not an administrator
(nor the team owner) of the team you're trying to create the poll, you need
to ask the team owner to promote you to an administrator.

If you are an administrator of that team, you should just need to login to be
able to create the poll.

You can find me on #launchpad or email me if you have any further problems.

CCD Ubuntu-art and JoelMonetes01


Thanks for the response

I am not the administrator, or owner, and attempts to contact Joel
have failed me so far (probably he is just busy, but I feel a bit of
urgency about this - I don't want to miss the deadline and so miss out
on getting the packages included!)

Is there any way that someone from the team could be temporarily made
an administrator, or that someone else could set up the poll - I think
the above email makes it clear the sabdfl wants it done.

Hope everyone agrees this is the best course of action to get things going again


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