On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 17:35 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:
WHY did you not add that link to the wiki page, Billy? I've just  
added it, but why didn't you? It's being monitored by people who'd  
want to vote, and it is a rather important vote. I also think that we  
should get explicit consent for this vote. When we do, that too  
should be added to the wiki page.

Because Mark wanted ubuntu-art memebers to do the voting and the wiki is a commonly viewed public page. The link should only be made available here, though I guess the list is public to, but I bet far less dig through it than the wiki.

I stated we needed consent from Mark on the forum post. That was well understood. When something is supposed to be done, and is not, someone has to light a fire under someone to get it done. Several emails from several memmber was more than enough, so I thought I'd take the step. Was that wrong? I realize many have been jaded through lax processes. I don't stand for such. If someone is going to ask me for something, I don't think a 2 minute email reply, explaining status is to much to ask. I didn't receive that reply so I stepped up to the plate. Swing! Something got done!
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