
> Building on this momentum, anyone want to helm building a cohesive wiki
> page with the desktop contributions (thumbnails) splash and usplash
> thumbnails?

I started hosting my splahes. I may do the same for the others. I add
rules to my Makefile to do the thumbnails.

> A little warning though -- some of those 640x400 images will NOT scale
> correctly to their final locations.
> FYI, if you don't already know this, start with a 640x480 image and
> scale it down to 640x400.  That should get you the correct aspect ratio.

I don't start with a 640x400 image ??? Do you mean that usplash use
640x400 picture scaled up to 640x480 screen (if vga16fb is used) ? I
will test and tell you.

> Anyone tried to get a usplash to conform to a Gimp 16 color palette
> generated png?  I get 'too many colors' on the attempt to generate a c
> file.

With dapper gimp, i use Image>Mode>Indexed Palette and then Generate
Optimal Palette with 16 colors. That's all. I get no errors.

Verso l'Alto !
PNGS=$(wildcard *.png)

all: $(TARGETS)

%.so: %.o
	gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,usplash-artwork.so $< -o $@

%.o: %.c
	gcc -Os -g -I/usr/include/bogl -fPIC -c $< -o $@

%.c: %.png
	pngtobogl $< > $@

	for so in $(TARGETS) ; do \
	cp $$so /usr/local/lib/usplash; \
	update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/local/lib/usplash/$$so 55; \
	update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so
	dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$$(uname -r)
	rm -f $(TARGETS)

thumbs: $(PNGS:%.png=%-thumb.png)

%-thumb.png: %.png
	convert $< -thumbnail 120x75 $@

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