On 5/26/06, Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 02:34 -0500, Billy wrote:

 On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 11:03 +1000, Pascal Klein wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 14:38 -0400, Viper550 wrote:
> Now that Dapper is behind us, I've got big plans and ideas for Edgy's
> artwork, Originality is just one of them:
> We all know that the first "theme cycle" of Ubuntu is over. Dapper and
> the Human Level is done with, so we need a new color scheme. My proposal
> for the new color scheme of Edgy is what I like to call: Frozen.
> I know the following statement will also effect the future of Ubuntu,
> but what I'd really like to see is the next Ubuntu themes to be based
> off the 5 elements of Japanese philosophy. These 5 elements are Earth,
> Water, Fire, Wind, and Void. Warty to Dapper have covered Earth (a.k.a.
> Human), so the next item in the order of the elements would be Water.
> But, Mark didn't go with blue by default because he wanted to
> differentiate Ubuntu from the rest with a unique color scheme (Brown).
> Going along with that, I decided to still go with Water...but in a
> different form: Ice. Attached is my mockup of what this Frozen theme
> would look like (using Ubuntulooks and Human Metacity).
> But, my goal for Edgy is to make an entire suite of ORIGINAL artwork to
> be there by default. Except for the Ubuntulooks Engine (which should
> stay, because we like it and all), I want every piece of artwork in Edgy
> to be original, not based off anything, built from scratch. I've been
> concerned that the Ubuntu installations have not had 100% original
> Artwork. On the first version, we used Industrial and a theme based off
> Glider, 5.04 at least used the ClearLooks engine, but still that
> Metacity theme stayed! Now for Dapper, we do have an original Theme
> engine (based off ClearLooks), we have a brand new original icon set
> (built from scratch!), but now your "Human" metacity is based off
> ClearLooks 2 Metacity. Why can't we have 100% original stuff?! And I can
> even tell the difference between Human Metacity and ClearLooks 2
> Metacity (slightly different buttons). Even worse, we had several GREAT
> metacity suggestions on the wiki that we completely ignored!
> There, now that my rant is over, let me catch my breath...
> Viper550

We differ ourselves a lot from other distributions and one of the ways
we intend to achieve that is through the desktop. Although we may
disagree with the way the new Human icon set is currently being
developed, or the themes and styles it uses and so on, we are going down
one chosen path and that is a 'Human' feel.

Not everyone likes the brown and orange tones or the new icon set but
feedback has shown that the originality already expressed through the
released artwork is good and generally people like it.

The primary colours used, the styles and general feel of the Ubuntu
desktop has been decided upon. We have an original theme, with an
original icon set and changing that every second release is not what we
plan to do.

If users do not like the Human artwork they are free to change it to any
of the other themes provided with main.

Pascal Klein

 Yes, and the idea that there should be just primary colors is why ubuntu
art falls short of the mark. Do you have a second choice in Windows? Do you
have second choice in mac? I've said it many times. Why not linux? Why not
Ubuntu? People have repeatedly asked for it from Ubuntu's beginning and
everytime this 'Human' branding thing is stated. Human/Ubuntu branding would
not be lost by offering an alternative. It would howerver give people a
choice and Ubuntu is Linux above and before everything else.


 Choice is good business. Strangely, many include color in their choice of
whether to install or buy. If they knew they had a few choices, or even one
they wanted. They wouldn't install or buy something else. Just ask GM and
Ford. They've learned the hard way.

I think that what we started to do with Dapper themes is a good idea -
start with a good theme, and provide really good alternative options
and _make sure people are aware_ that they can change what it looks
like. Mandrake used to allow users to choose a theme at install time
(just throwing it into the mix :P)

But also, yes, lets keep really detailed discussion for when we
actually know what the remit of the art-team is!!

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