On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 23:25 +1000, Pascal Klein wrote:
On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 02:34 -0500, Billy wrote:
> Yes, and the idea that there should be just primary colors is why
> ubuntu art falls short of the mark. Do you have a second choice in
> Windows? Do you have second choice in mac? I've said it many times.
> Why not linux? Why not Ubuntu? People have repeatedly asked for it
> from Ubuntu's beginning and everytime this 'Human' branding thing is
> stated. Human/Ubuntu branding would not be lost by offering an
> alternative. It would howerver give people a choice and Ubuntu is
> Linux above and before everything else.
> http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/theme/devel/Human-Metathemes.png

This is true. GNU/Linux and Ubuntu is about choice. You are not
compelled to use Human. Currently (running Dapper) I could 17 or so
themes in the main display of the themes dialoge. Is that not enough? If
the user really wants more sites like GNOME-look.org exist for that

I don't know what they've done with the packages, because i haven't seen anything new or diff. From what I understood, upon a default install, gnome themes would be cleaned out and your choices would be
-5 themes from the art-team

So where are you getting 17 or so?

You miss the point. Human is ubuntulooks. So is Dapper-Drake and Silicon, if they made it into the packaging. They do not have the other elements of the Human desktop enviornment. Ubunulooks-Quicksilver (I don't like its colors) would have been good for that since so many people like blue. Tango is install by default but there's no gtk theme to go with. That makes a lot of sense. The only attempt to unify the desktop is with Human. I mentioned Windows and Mac as an example to say that another (or 2 or 3) good, unified desktop env should be offered in any os claiming to be in the race with the others. Otherwise, stick with ugly gnome defaults, slap a clearlooks together, use Tangerine and go home. Yet, that's not what anyone wants, is it?

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