El vie, 26-05-2006 a las 11:11 +0200, Andreas Nilsson escribió:
Why reinvent the wheel a bazillion times just because something is Not
Invented Here[tm]?
Perhaps it should be a nice idea to start polishing other parts of the
interface during Edgy. There are lots of stuff that needs a lot of love
from talented artists, both in Ubuntu and on the free desktop in general.
- Andreas
I tend to agree with Andreas, for example, we have Tangerine that is great but we're still going for Human icons which are relatively good but not great. Also, Tangerine is clearly based on Tango, but it has the Ubuntu stamp with it's unique color palette, and stands on the (great) effort done by the Tango team. I tend to think that standing on the shoulders of giants is a good thing (TM).
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