Billy wrote:
On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 16:05 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
Billy wrote:
Deadlines and assignees will not be useful for 5 months. Got any examples of Teams using these features effectively that do not need the features? The art team doesn't need bug reporting tools, for example. Again, what features are useful for the ArtTeam?

Billy, you are completely underestimating the need for proper organisation in order to FIX the artwork.

We have FANTASTIC talent in this team, but no organisation.

You need those features NOW not in the last week before a release.

The bug and spec tracking features of Launchpad are designed to let everyone work together and keep a common list of what needs to be fixed. In other words, they are designed to let people collaborate effectively.

You say that neither of these is needed "for five months". That is when Edgy is doe to be released. That attitude is what causes a crunch just before release when suddenly everyone wants lots of little things changed but there is no clear list of what changes have been approved, or agreed.

I do wish I came in sooner to push for more desktop theme choices, but with the lack of leadership and vision I don't know that it would have mattered. Even this very week the idea of 2 or more desktop themes has been rejected and overruled for Edgy in favor of the 'Human branding ONLY' concept. Then in another thread by lizardking, 2 memebers and myself are for it and there's been no opposition to it. So, my attitude has been on key, Sir! you can see?

Specifications are DESIGNED to be used at the BEGINNING of the release cycle. So everyone can see what is PLANNED. Then the team can coordinate to deliver on those specs. For edgy, I will just ignore everyone who sends in their own favourite artwork. That is not constructive. What is constructive is to identify two or three clear, distinct theme styles, and then build teams to polish those up slowly through the course of the release ccle, with weekly uploads, to the point where they are really classy by the time you get to release.

Well, thank you for finally making that clear. It's just what I, and others, wanted to hear and what few of us have been asking for! Now that it has finally been said, some real artwork/desktops can come forth.

I based my thoughts of LP on the past because I had nothing else to go on. That was my point. That if all we were going to do is make a few things and propose them for inclusion, LP was not needed. I certaintly agree LP 'could' be a good tool in an effort to offer a few good choice desktops. It makes sense to need LP for unified desktop choices, but I couldn't understand why people wanted it just to repeat a dapper artwork cycle.

BUGS are your way to track problems that have occurred. They let you know what things you are committed to fixing, and which you will not fix. This is critical throughout the process, not just in the final week.

So - no more cavalier "let's just wing it" approach, OK?

That's what I've said since Warty!

Yeah! Let's get this new, improved, and now mentioned show on the road!

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