On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 15:59 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:

I did ask the admin of the previous launchpad artwork team to add other people as admins. It never got done (joelM!!!) so have done it myself now. No need to create a whole new team, that's just confusing!

Yes you did. Is there any reason JoelM is still an admin? He has not been active for a very long time and doesn't reply to attempts to contact him (you and others), although he did reply to me. I'm sure time constriants are a likely reason but someone with time constraints does not need to be an admin.

I have also changed the default subscription and renewal period to be 365 days - it was 30 days so everyone is going to expire RSN :-/. I have extended the subscription of the new admins (andreas nilson, troy sobotka and frank schoep) by a year. Feel free to add more admins if you see fit, folks.


I'd like to propose Who as another admin, if another is needed (can't have too many). He's very active, knowledgable, and level headed.

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