Billy wrote:

On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 18:34 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

Troy James Sobotka wrote:

On Sat, 2006-10-06 at 14:54 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

A theme could then consist of 4-5 of these special icons, but in the same style as the regular theme, to not look out of place. Only computer/art nerds worry about if the icon theme has a tilted folder, some extra gloss or whatever.
- Andreas

I think this is a terrific idea if we can somehow manage to use existing themes out there. If you know of a way to collect a list, or perhaps begin one at the wiki, it
would be a wonderful way to add diversity without taxing
our already limited time commitments.

Great idea Andreas.  Thanks.
Thomas Wood (of fame) and myself started this some time ago, but we had to put it on ice, as we both got hooked up in other projects. This is just a rough start and it can be totally improved.
- Andreas

A complete Tango/Tangerine would be nice before venturing out. As long as it takes, I don't see how anyone could suggest other icon themes, especially after having icon themes cut from us on dapper. Lets keep it realistic and managable. Completing the already mentioned 2 or 3 will be more than enough. Don't lower the quality by added more, when more than 3 isn't even an option and Mark wants 2 before attempting 3. -Billy

This is not the regular wild and crazy 1000+ icon-sets. I´m talking of sets with 4-5 icons, tops. They would of course be in tango-style in order to blend in with the rest of the desktop. This would not have to go into main, but could live in universe instead to save space on the install cd. I totally agree with you that something like this will be a bit further down the priority list, but if someone feels like doing it on their spare time, that would be kind of cool. Personally I´ll be putting all my efforts on Tango (mostly application icons and probably a complete tangofication of a couple of apps) for this release.
- Andreas

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