On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 15:05 +0100, Mirco Müller wrote:
>       Ok. I've learned that Mark has the final word on what goes in and what
> does not "visual appeal"-wise.

The spec shows screenshots against a black background.  I hope Mark is
coordinating that design of the default GDM with the default look for

There has _always_ existed a design gap between the developers and the
design, but perhaps pushing the issue this early could be one baby step
towards remedying this problem.

Hopefully the 'design' of the system will go a little further in
discourse than having the decision based on a few screenshots.  The
entire orchestration with the rest of Ubuntu's design should be
considered -- especially at the point where we have a good deal of

Great work Mirco -- can't wait to see the end product!


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