Hi all,

Some of you might know me from the work I've done in the past on Kubuntu. This 
time around I'll be working on Ubuntu as well.

Because of the time factor (I've only been at this a couple of weeks now) I 
hope to create a more coherent look that is based off the Edgy artwork. One 
important factor is that the artwork be done within a strict time schedule.

If you look at the feisty release schedule you'll see that I've added dates 
for artwork inclusion. This first round is the initial inclusion, so the 
artwork I've done shows the first stage of the process. The artwork will 
change but not drastically...we'll keep working in this direction, making 
things better and better.

So, nothing is final until the last inclusion dates (and I guess that even 
then certain small parts can/will still be worked on, depending on the will 
of those higher up).

On Saturday 10 February 2007 23:29:00 Étienne Bersac wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some of you may saw the new feisty artwork arriving. This artwork is not
> stamped "alpha". So, let's discuss about it :).

Although the artwork doesn't say alpha, it is alpha :-) I am all for 
discussing it as long as the conversation stays sane, worthwhile and 
constructive. I am working closely with sabdfl and others on this, so certain 
aspects are given and certain things can change.

> As of today, only usplash and gnome wallpaper has been updated.
> First, i really like the new wallpaper. Even if i find it too pinky, i
> really love the smoothness of the picture. In contrary to dapper
> wallpaper, this one does not looks like a brown ulgy clone of Mac OS X
> wallpaper suite. So sweet :).

Great to hear that you like it. I'll still be improving on it, trying to get 
the balance perfect and the smoothness correct.

> About upslash. I do not like the new logo. the red is too pinky :|. And
> since i do not like Gtk Human progress bar, i don't like it on usplash.
> To be constructive, here are the point i dislike in this progressbar :

I've tried to take the ideas from Edgy and go from there. Who's logo is 
awesome and this represents my attempts at furthering that. 

I used the official logo colors this time, just to see how they worked. 
Apparently I will need to go back to using the darker colors Who used in 
Edgy. Troy also mentioned that the red is too pinkish so you are not alone in 
that opinion.

The progress bar changes were an attempt to create a consistent progress bar 
from start to finish (ie it looks like the progress bar used on the desktop). 
I think that this is good idea but perhaps we need to tweak things a bit to 
make the artwork fit the functionality.

>       * the tiny vertical seperators makes sense only for discret
>         progress bar (with fixed step). It provide an idea of "unit" of
>         progression and user wait the progress bar to push by one
>         "square".
>       * The sharp orange does fit neither title brown nor wallpaper
>         pink. Think consistent.
>       * Also progress bar orange have huge accessibility issues (see bug
>         about that). Since december, i lost my glasses i have to wait
>         'til march. It's a good test of accessibility in Ubuntu. Beryl
>         helps. font-properties allows me to increase dpi up to 118 !
>         Even at such size, the text is hard to read on progress bar.
>         Please update. Accessibility matters.
> Also, who made this artwork ? Is ubuntu-art only a place to comment new
> artwork ;) ? It feel like we forgot to plan community themes :|

I've been working with dholbach to improve upon the process of creating 
community themes although due to the short amount of time left I guess more 
work will go into this after the release. I encourage anyone who wants to 
create a community theme to do so - we'll support you any way we can.

> Étienne.

Thanks for the great comments Etienne.


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