Firstly Merry Christmas - I am off and wont be back 'till after.  Hope 
santa is good to you all!

Secondly I agree.  When I undertake a traditional graphic design project 
or website, I'll usually do a mockup, the client will then say if they 
like it/hate it and suggest changes.  When your creating something it's 
hard to see the wood for the trees a lot of the time and you lack the 
ability to take a new look at it as you know it so well already.  It 
takes a critical outside eye to bring your attention to everything you 

It would be a shame to get to the end of the process and whoever in 
charge says 'nope, I don't like any' when the situation could have 
easily been avoided with regular feedback from the people up top.

xl cheese wrote:
> That is the question we need to ask.  Do we want to target noobs to linux or 
> the vets of linux?   Maybe I'm wrong, but new linux and novice computer users 
> are typically enticed with eye candy.  It's the veteran linux users that like 
> things functional and plain.  
> I would submit that we want to bias the artwork towards new users and have it 
> on the bold side of things.  Long time users generally change the default 
> right off the bat anyway.  
> At any rate, I think it's safe to say that we, the Art Team, are getting 
> anxious for the folks on top of the totem pole to throw us a bone and show us 
> something official.  At least a hint of what they're thinking would be nice!  
> ;)  That way our enthusiasm and efforts would be directed at producing 
> relevant fruit.

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