..on Tue, Dec 25, 2007 at 06:19:28PM +0100, Damian Vila wrote:
> Troy James Sobotka escribió:
> > The point of choosing an audience is not exactly as murky as you
> > wish to paint it.  It is perhaps one of the most valuable discussions
> > this list has _ever_ seen.
> >
> > Unfortunately, in the end, the default installations presence
> > and audience are outside of the scope of our realm and lays
> > in the hands of the higher ups.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > TJS
> I agree with Troy.
> The ultimate question could be, are you ready to design for Ubuntu's
> audience?. That means listening, and listening to everybody. Is Ubuntu's
> artwork direction in the hands and will of the audience?
> If you really want some feedback from Ubuntu users, then the list is not
> the place to be...
> And Ubuntu won't be brown, that's for sure.

then so be it. i strongly believe Ubuntu artwork development needs to
follow the same consensual process as any other aspect of the project's
development: users needs to be able to report what they consider 'bugs'
in the art and design aspects and feel they are being heard. we respond
to those bugs by coming up with working solution. ideally they get on
board and help out. 

if the bulk of users simply don't like brown - which is the fairly
clearly the case - then you have a choice to either listen to the users
and invite them to submit alternative designs or choose the same
semi-closed myopic design-agenda the art currently has. 

i teach with Ubuntu in a free-software art and design context in
universities and art centres: very rarely is the Human theme actually
retained on computers students have dedicated to them for
workshops/courses longer than 3 days. some love it, most simply don't.
that's my culturally relative experience. 

Ken is approaching all this with real clarity i think: not too big to
ignore the fact that if one wildly impossible mockup on a forum by a
non-list-member receives 19 pages of praise, it deserves consideration
and consequent feasible response.

this approach has worked brilliantly for other aspects of the Ubuntu
project and there's no reason it can't work as well here. comparing
Apple's design agenda to that of Ubuntu is absurd: this is a volunteer
project remember, made by people for people. two fish with vastly
different budgets and histories.


julian oliver

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