Yes, I fully agree on that a forum should be set up, with categories for 
"wallpapers", "GTK-themes" etc. with "submissions" in each, and discussions on 
each submission, as well as relevant debates in general categories. 

Btw, when I get some time I'll try to make a suggestion for a wallpaper, just 
need to get some "school-work" done etc. 

- Thomas L.G 

> From: Sumit Chandra Agarwal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 2008-02-03 18:16:39 CET
> To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] wav instead of ogg
> I agree with coz on some points below, except rather than his impressive 
> several years on the team, I'm speaking from the vantage point of a 
> newcomer.
> Coming into the community it was fairly surprising to see that art 
> development in Ubuntu is chiefly handled through a poorly organized wiki 
> (such is the nature of wikis, eh?) and an archaic mailing list.
> A proper forum with image posts, etc seems like the perfect plan. It 
> would also make discussion and commenting far easier than the current 
> wiki (which is why, I assume, most discussion ends up occurring on the 
> mailing list instead).
> Anybody disagree? Anybody want to take the lead on setting up a forum?
> Glad to be part of the community,
> -Sumit
> coz DS wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >  Having been a member of the ubuntu art team for several years  I 
> > would have hoped you people would have been able to come up with 
> > something better than taking your frustrations with "slow connections" 
> > out on anyone other than yourselves and finding  better solutions to 
> > the problem than,
> >
> > """"Man, am I going to have to black-list you at server-level????""""
> >
> > I will be coming onto #ubuntu-artwork. You can discuss this with me 
> > there and feel free to pm me when I am there!
> > NO I am not willing to discuss this in mailing list  because 
> > apparently mailing lists allow all sorts of petty behavior to be 
> > exhibited, unless you can convince me otherwise, I am available on irc.
> >   Troys, at this point, because of the above threat, I am glad that 
> > you have not been able to convince me, in the past several years, 
> > that  it would be worth my time and talents to submit quality artwork.
> >   This particular situation, along with several other situations that 
> > have occurred when dealing with "ubuntu" people, concerning artwork, 
> > be it graphics or sound in this case, has only heightened my lack of 
> > desire to contribute to the ubuntu community.
> >   i can only hope that this never happens again.
> >  what is needed is an "ubuntu-artwork" forum  where files can be 
> > uploaded easily by users who desire to contribute.Where the 
> > submissions can be discussed by all and reviewed by those making the 
> > final decision.
> >
> > coz
> >  
> >
> > On Feb 2, 2008 2:46 AM, Donn <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> >     > What does it matter that it is one file at a time?  You're sending
> >     > WAVE FILES, and I (and as you already saw, others too) have
> >     > a painfully slow connection!
> >     Seconded.
> >
> >     \d
> >
> >     --
> >     ubuntu-art mailing list
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> ubuntu-art mailing list
ubuntu-art mailing list

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