On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 15:57 +0200, Klaus Bitto wrote:
> But even this would be regarded some kind of "first-run" app... 
> Honestly, I never liked the "Welcome to Windoze - have a tour around
> all the new bling!"-dialogs.

And if this is my 10,000 Ubuntu install do I really need this
And what if I install Ubuntu for others, do I have to phone them and ask
"what theme do you want?" Or maybe i'l email them this question, and
they can email me the answer back.
If anyone need a tour they can find help, but this is not about
artwork... If you decide to make more themes for the user who would like
to change the default one, do not be worried about if he will know that
there are many themes, but if he will use any of them, because he might
like none...

Sorin-Mihai Vârgolici

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