Giuseppe Pennisi a écrit :
> I upgraded Metacity to fix the active\inactive window.
> With compiz not enabled Metacity theme is displayed in this way:
> With compiz enabled Metacity theme is displayed in this way:
> The transparency of the titlebar for metacity is due because of the
> compiz setup.
> IMHO it's not bad. However, fundamentally, if compiz is enabled the
> people can to use Emarald, right?
> Fundamentally Metacity is for those who can not use Emerald.
> (Otherwise we can change the compiz setup)
That's nice, but I just find it quite disappointing that we lose this 
"all-in-one" effect for the menu bar and task bar on inactive windows. 
We really should ask -- or write -- a patch for Metacity to have 
different menu bars on inactive and active windows, to keep this "solid" 

But except that, I'm everyday a little more confident in this theme, it 
looks really nice and clean.


PS: I'll finish the monochromic icons for the taskbar tomorrow (no time 
for yesterday neither today).

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