Il giorno dom, 28/09/2008 alle 12.41 +0200, Adam ha scritto:
> On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 12:31 +0200, Giuseppe Pennisi wrote:
> > Il giorno sab, 27/09/2008 alle 17.05 -0400, Vadim Peretokin ha scritto:
> > > There is a fork of Cinerella, called Linerella or something like that.
> > > 
> > > But yeah, movie editing for the average human on Linux is out of
> > > reach, unless you're a Hollywood movie studio. But I don't even want
> > > to know the prices on that software.
> > > 
> > Another goal is a very user-friendly DVD Reader. Totem in not always
> > simple to use or configure, for example to see DVD Menu is must remove
> > totem-gstreamer and install totem-xine. This discourages many people
> > that in other systems must only play and use.
> > 
> > gp
> > 
> > 
> this is because of some legal issues

I don't tell of codecs, I know. But an easy way to use it. More
user-friendly DVD-Reader or solutions for it.


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