On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 12:38 -0300, spg76 wrote:

> I just added one with a paper on the ground for review.

The ball is a nice touch and well done, but maybe a bit distracting. I
think it will not work at all for smaller sizes. Like 22 px as used on
the panel.

> Cory, in a previous message you say that smaller ones need to be drawn
> for their target size not just scaled down from the bigger ones.
> I donĀ“t understand what you mean. I just scaled down the bigger ones
> like you say and then retouched the details. It's there any better
> way?

You should make sure that major lines/features are lined up with the
pixel grid on all sizes. You can hit # to toggle the grid in Inkscape.
If you zoom in, you should be able to see the default 1px spacing. Now
say you have a dark horizontal line in your icon. If it ends up on
non-integer coordinates and thus somewhere halfway between one row of
pixels and the next in the exported image, the line will appear blurry.
So you should try to move things to get them on the grid where ever

For small icons, it can be of advantage to completely redraw them, as
there will be less detail. It can also help to drop the perspective to
go entirely flat. At least for 16 px size, where you easily end up with
pixel-salad :)

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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