On Sat, 2008-10-04 at 16:38 +0300, SorinN wrote:
> Nope man - This is a nonsense - Please keep the essence if my language
> are bad ( I'm sure you got the point ) - because the essence really
> count - we must keep serious things inside.  

No, it is not nonsense. It really is hard to understand what you are
talking about exactly. Funny how the aggression seems to help you to be
more clear.

> Man. please grow up an be constructive. I share my experience here,
> talking about colors ...I'm not just "..think about colors".

I am constructive. Otherwise I would just ignore you. I did not suggest
that you just go away. Don't ignore the alternative.

I have been witness several times now, how you fail to understand other
people and how others do not understand you. It often isn't about
"essence", but details.

Now your vocabulary is rich, making me think that your English doesn't
have to be that bad. But the way you write sounds like a stream of
thoughts. You really should try to calm down. Use proper quotation, stop
using ... and >> all over the place. Edit your text. Explain your
thoughts instead of just throwing out a few claims that you state as

We are not here to help you. You should be here to help us.

Now regarding color is subjective or not:

Please explain how color could not be subjective, when white is
associated with something happy like a wedding in some countries, while
it stands for death in others. How the Chinese will associate red with
official buildings, while Germans will not. How an Aborigine in
Australia will have a different idea of the color of earth than a
How could color not be subjective, when people have varying favourite

How could color not be subjective, if some of the people in the forum
will say "orange and brown are ugly", while others say "orange and brown
are beautiful"?

I think both the claims "color is subjective" and "color is not
subjective" are wrong. Because there are aspects of color perception
that are the same or similar for almost all humans. But there are also
individual differences based on environment and genes.

Thorsten Wilms

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