Mat Tomaszewski wrote:
> Hi,
> Quite recently some community members pointed out that the design team's 
> submissions have been created using proprietary software, like Flash or 
> Photoshop. I have a feeling that this is something that needs to be 
> addressed, as we're all trying to actively support free and open 
> software with our work.
> It is very true that we do use proprietary software (Flash and Photoshop 
> in particular) as well as free software (Inkscape rocks!) in our daily 
> work. This is largely due to the fact that most of us come from the 
> commercial design background and developed certain habits and workflows 
> – changing these requires time, and time is one of the things we really 
> miss :)
> Our primary goal is to make Ubuntu better. But that also means 
> contributing to the whole array of software that comes with Ubuntu, 
> including design apps. What we need is a critical mass of goodness, 
> which will help people like us (!) switch! I'm personally interested in 
> contributing to apps like GIMP or Inkscape and I'd appreciate any help 
> with getting in touch with the right people :)
> Mat
> P.S. I also think there's something strangely satisfying in beating 
> software companies with their own stick... (OMG, have I just recommended 
> using Windows!?? ;)

Note, that this list is for *community* art. Not necessarily the art
that ships w/Ubuntu. That's up to Canonical.

In any event, here's the start of the previous discussion on this topic:

-Cory K.

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