On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 18:14 +0100, Mat Tomaszewski wrote:

> The second iteration can be viewed here 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo#Ubuntu%20Karmic%20boot%20demo%20and%20proposed%20GDM%20theme%20%E2%80%93%20Iteration%202

As also placed on the wiki:

Examples of options I would explore based on Iteration 2:


* CoF with colors to make things friendlier, livelier and to stay
consistent with most occurrences of the logo.
* Hue variations on the background to break away from stifling
* Less pronounced lighting effect to give the boxes appearing on the
background more room to breath. This avoids distraction. 


* Uniform box without offset inner area. Also no alternating item
backgrounds. Avatar images and spacing are more than sufficient for
* Subtle gradient to establish a connection between background and list
* Selected item bg not harsh-white, but toned down.
* 3 separate areas on the bottom instead of one bar.
* Login options aligned with list. Also means large distance between the
bottom items.
* Toned down Accessibility, Power and Login Options to make them step
behind the list a bit. No glow, could be used on hover, though. 

Please try to consider each option in separation. 

Source (SVG with linked screenshots):

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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