Perhaps this list is the best place to discuss after all.

On 18/11/10 14:34, j_baer wrote:

The following comments may be more a * brain dump * than anything else. :-)

I do not know the intent or the desired outcome of the authors of
"", but drawing a conclusion from the URL I assume the
desire was to offer Debian users a method to showcase their desktop.
This is just it. We need to find that out. Assumptions are dangerous things.
The Ubuntu Software Centre desires to offer an enhanced user experience by
providing information about products which will assist the user in
determining the suitability of an offering to their needs. Although
“” is a good match, it’s not a perfect match.
What makes you say that? It is a site that hosts screenshots in a format that the software centre can use. It also seems to me to be a perfectly adequate place for people to submit screenshots. What would be a perfect match?
* The most pressing issue is screenshots may not be current and reflect what
is being offered. In addition, there is no easy method (?) to expire an
image and/or contact the submitter.
That is one of the issues for which I set up a separate bug. We need to come up with some ways to reinvigorate the gathering of screenshots. Very little technical knowledge is required in order to do this so there is a chance that, as a task, it will appeal to a broader audience. The is a campaign project. We need a Paper Cuts equivalent. Just as much as we have encouraged people to improve the descriptions of the packages we could do something that covers both.
* There is the unknown of appropriate content and this is managed. I realize
“someone” reviews content at "" but the approval
process is unclear.

Is that a problem? Approval processes should be clear, as a rule, but what does the current state of play discourage?
* The Software Centre is package centric and in reality a package may be an
aggregate of several functional deliverables. Theme packages are a good
example of this.

* In today’s world a graphic image is just one way to deliver information.
The current solution does not support alternatives such as videos in the
form of a screen cast.

* Last, what is the impact to Ubuntu if "" is
Last three are good points.
All of this leads me to believe building something new may be better than
fixing something old. In addition there is a need from this team for an
image repository. The title “Ubuntu Media Center” comes to mind. :-)
Something tells me if we design it, someone will build it.

These are interesting thoughts and we should always be thinking in a mix of what we have and what we need. Right now, serves a very real purpose and we can't lose sight of that. We have resource to reskin and possibly make some minor UI changes. We need that site, right now, to have a bigger range of images.

Develop your problem definition more broadly so we can examine the impact, the benefits and the risks of this 'Ubuntu Media Center' and then we should definitely talk further. May I suggest that you write out pros and cons for what we have now and pros and cons of what you are proposing? That would be a great starting point for further discussion.


Ivanka Majić
Creative Strategy Lead

Canonical Design Team
m: 07968704460

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