The kerning is off. I think if you're using Photoshop, you can fix it by 
changing the kerning from 'metrics' to 'optical' and that should fix it. :)

On 11/02/2011, at 8:04 PM, Pumpkin Lord wrote:

> @Thorsten step by step in short.
> - Setting ubuntu in bold is much more effective to me, and it looks
> totally contrary from what you said, much more polisfed and
> "sensitive". Should I say that I played a lot with standard Ubuntu
> font, and I wasn't satisfied at all, at least considering title font.
> And about respecting visual identity. I guess then that I'm totally
> irrespective cause I used bold instead standard font. :) I never
> wanted to make my cover looks like an official sleeve rip-off.
> Othervise this topic would be pointless, as well as a DVD cover
> itself.
> - About wide tracking... The best I can tell you is that I respect
> your opinion. To me it's effective as it could be. Also I should
> mention that I played with warious characters spacing. About kerning,
> I dont's see anything that wrong, or misplaced.
> - I agree that bulleting with a centered text is not that great
> choice. That is the part of cover I'm still not satisfied with.
> - The big Ubuntu box is not perfectly lined with side boxes, because I
> lined the right "live CD" text with upper edge (guideline I set for
> myself). So I wanted to make all 4 sides of cover layers to have
> proportional distance from edge (you can check it).
> Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I alredy changed some stuff after
> this version you reviewed, and I will change few more before I release
> a complete pack on spreadubuntu, and deviantart. I think this artwork
> sum up everything I think about your feedback:
> Cheers my friend.
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