On Fri, 2011-02-18 at 15:17 -0600, Leandro Gómez wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Vishnoo <v...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>         On Fri, 2011-02-18 at 13:47 -0600, Leandro Gómez wrote:
>         >
>         > I don't like the way this is discussion is turning out.
>         >
>         >
>         > Of course, one disruptive member can cause a lot of
>         problems. People
>         > get frustrated, they resign and cease contributing to the
>         team.
>         >
>         People resigning is what Сергей mentioned as the issue that is
>         frustrating him.
>         And hence why I mention how *very* hard Thorsten and Martin
>         tried to
>         talk to John into being more part of the team effort instead
>         of his
>         disruptive behavior.
>         > But, honestly, do you really think the problems of this team
>         can be
>         > attributed to one single person's actions?
>         No, this team as other problems too and they need to be fixed
>         as well.
> I agree. I've been on this team for four whole years and there's a lot
> of things that needs to be fixed.
> If one member of the team is disruptive and causes a lot of problems,
> I think it's time for the admin to moderate him/her on the list or ban
> the person if the problem persists. Sadly, I'm not an admin, so I
> can't do anything.
> Please, fix this so we can move on.

I wish it were as simple as just banning him!
Sadly banning John from this mailing list alone does not solve the
problems he creates.

He actively contacts a large number of artists 'privately' and asks them
to take part in the existing contests, presenting himself as the
representative of the Ubuntu artwork community , and grabs their
Until this part everything is fantastic, but beyond this is where things
go completely wrong. He misdirects them to his private groups claiming
those to be the place to participate.
Why I never understood, but in his own words relying to the previous
thread: " I set up an environment which would protect their
contributions from the harsh criticism often found on this list. " !!!?

IMO, he is acting like a Nigerian spam scammer, just robbing people of
their hard work.

I'm not sure where/how this behavior can be stopped.


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