Nathan Herholdt wrote:
Hi again,

When I try to login as root or su it says I have an authentication problem. Therefore I cannot enter the stage to add the GUI. Could someone give me step by step pointers to install.


----- Original Message ----
From: Simon Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Junin Toiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Nathan Herholdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January, 2008 9:50:56 AM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu server trouble

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 01:02 +1030, Junin Toiro wrote:
> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

I always like to use aptitude instead of apt-get.

The main reason is that it logs all package changes (well, the
intentions anyway) in /var/log/aptitude.  This is good for retracing
your steps when something goes awry.

It also gives you a nice GUI, albeit a text one for searching for
packages, reading descriptions and changelogs etc.

Good luck!

Simon Wong BEng MCompSc MACS
Dependable Technologies Pty Ltd

[m] +61 (0)438 609 011 [p] +61 (0)7 3369 3627
[f] +61 7 3009 0431    [e] [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Dependable IT Solutions *

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Per chance did you install lamp etc as part of the install? I have on 2 occasions installed Ubuntu 7.4 & 7.10 & installed the lamp bind stuff as part of the install & had the same problem! If you install them after I didn't get the su problems.

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