Thanks guys, I've got it going smoothly now.

Thanks again

----- Original Message ----
From: Simon Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January, 2008 11:55:46 AM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu server trouble

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 00:07 +0000, Nathan Herholdt wrote:
> When I try to login as root or su it says I have an authentication
> problem. Therefore I cannot enter the stage to add the GUI. Could
> someone give me step by step pointers to install.

Daniel has answered your question well enough.

If this is your first go at this and the server is to be used on a
LAN ie in a pretty safe environment then I would probably recommend
you re-install the Desktop version.

That will give you a nice Gnome GUI to work within as you setup things.

As far as I am aware the main difference is that the server install has
a lot less pre-installed and a kernel configuration more suited to a
server environment.

If you are pretty much just trying this out and it is only going to be
lightly loaded then this really doesn't matter too much.

Use the Desktop installation and install your "server" packages later,
Apache2 etc.

Simon Wong BEng MCompSc MACS
Dependable Technologies Pty Ltd

[m] +61 (0)438 609 011 [p] +61 (0)7 3369 3627
[f] +61 7 3009 0431    [e] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Dependable IT Solutions *

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