Hi Samps,

On 28/01/2008, Samps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 04:28:35 pm pew_from_hobart wrote:
> >
> > I don't understand what you mean by enter the 'obex://...' command.
> Where
> In the 'Location' field in Nautilus (click on the little 'Notepad' icon if
> you
> haven't got a 'Location' filed already)

Okay... I've just learnt something ;-) *SMILE*

> would I enter it?!?
> >
> >
> > Also I don't know what the id numbers of my SAGEM mobile phone is. Is
> there
> > an easy way I could find out?!?
> >
> Try 'hcitool scan' from a command-line
> (Alt+F2, enter 'gnome-terminal', hit [Enter], type 'hcitool scan', after
> having turned your phone and its Bluetooth function on)

I did what you said eg command:
hcitool scan

gives message:
No such device

and yes my mobile phone was switched on with Tools / Connectivity /
Bluetooth / Mode / On & visible

btw -- what is the shell command to close the terminal (shell) window? (I
just clicked on the [x] in the top-right corner of the window)

this will tell you the ID of your phone, the ID that you enter in
> Nautilus's 'Location' field...
> Samps
> --
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Yours Faithfully,
PEW    ;-))))

Fond Regards,
Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS

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